Los talibanes destruyen 8 harriers y dan el pasaporte a 2 marines en Afganistán

Leon S. Kennedy

7 Jul 2011
Los talibanes destruyen 8 harriers y dan el pasaporte a 3 marines en Afganistán

En la base del príncipe harry. 6 harriers destruidos y otros 2 gravemente dañados, confirmado por el USMC y la ISAF. Están tan abochornados que ni lo nombran en los grandes medios (otro ejemplo más de manipulación), sólo en Fox news lo mencionan de pasada, pero reduciendo la cifra a tan sólo 2 harriers destruidos. Se de algunos que van a disfrutar con esta noticia, como yo :D:D

Hurried, Harried, Harriers

Hurried, Harried, Harriers…and Harry
By MARK THOMPSON | @MarkThompson_DC | September 17, 2012

Friday’s Afghanistan attack wiped out 8% of US Harrier fighting fleet | Radio Vice Online

Friday’s Afghanistan attack wiped out 8% of US Harrier fighting fleet

Marine Attack Squadron loses eight Harrier jets in worst U.S. air loss in one day since the Vietnam War « The Aviationist[

Marine Attack Squadron loses eight Harrier jets in worst U.S. air loss in one day since the Vietnam War
September 16, 2012

On Friday Sept. 14, at around 10.15 p.m. local time, a force of Taliban gunmen attacked Camp Bastion, in Helmand Province, the main strategic base in southwestern Afghanistan.

About 15 insurgents (19 according to some reports), wearing U.S. Army uniforms, organized into three teams, breached the perimeter fence and launched an assault on the airfield, that includes the U.S. Camp Leatherneck and the UK’s Camp Bastion, where British royal Prince Harry, an AH-64 Apache pilot (initially believed to be the main target of the attack) is stationed.

The attackers fired machine guns, rocket propelled grenades and possibly mortars against aircraft parked next to the airport’s runway. Two U.S. Marines were killed in the subsequent fighting whereas eight of 10 AV-8B+ Harrier jets of the Yuma-based Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 211 were destroyed (6) or heavily damaged (2): the worst U.S. air loss in one day since the Vietnam War.

The VMA-211 “Avengers” is part of the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing headquartered in San Diego at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. It deployed to Afghanistan in April and relocated from Kandahar Airfield to Camp Bastion on Jul. 1.

According to Wikipedia, the VMA-211 last suffered this level of losses on Dec. 8, 1941.

Considered that the U.S. Marine Corps are believed to be equipped with slightly more than 120 AV-8B+, the attack on Camp Bastion has wiped out 1/15th of the entire U.S. Jump Jet fleet and a large slice of the Yuma-based squadron. A serious problem for the USMC, that was compelled to buy second hand RAF Harrier GR9s to keep the AV-8B+ in service beyond 2030, when it will be replaced by the F-35B.

Furthermore, the VMA-211 was the only Marine Harrier unit in Afghanistan: until the destroyed airframes will be replaced (most probably, by another Squadron), the coalition ground forces can’t count on the CAS (Close Air Support) provided by the Harrier.

Tom Meyer has contributed to this post.

Attack on base in Afghanistan kills 2 Marines, destroys 2 jets | Fox News

Attack on base in Afghanistan kills 2 Marines, destroys 2 jets
Published September 15, 2012

The Associated Press: 2 British soldiers killed in Afghan insider attack

2 British soldiers killed in Afghan insider attack

By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press – 1 day ago
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A gunman in an Afghan police uniform killed two British soldiers in southern Afghanistan on Saturday, a day after insurgents dressed in U.S. Army uniforms attacked a military base, killing two American Marines, wounding nine other people and destroying six Harrier fighter jets, military officials said.
Última edición:
Rambo les enseño muy bien :XX:

Además se cargaron al comandante del escuadrón:

Commanding Officer of the Harrier squadron decimated at Camp Bastion among the Marines killed in the Taliban attack « The Aviationist

Commanding Officer of the Harrier squadron decimated at Camp Bastion among the Marines killed in the Taliban attack
September 17, 2012

The Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 211 “Avengers” that was decimated on Friday Sept. 14, when a force of insurgents attacked Camp Bastion, in Helmand, has not only lost two Marines and eight of the ten AV-8B+ Harrier jets deployed in Afghanistan.

According to UTSanDiego.com, Marine and family sources have confirmed that Lt. Col. Chris “Otis” Raible, commanding officer of the Yuma squadron is among the killed in action of the unprecedented attack that resulted in the destruction of six jump jets and significant damage (possibly beyond repair) to two more Harriers belonging to the VMA-211, the unit he commanded.

The VMA-211 is part of the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing headquartered in San Diego at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar.

Raible led the “Avengers” when the unit, deployed to Afghanistan in April 2012, relocated from Kandahar Airfield to Camp Bastion on Jul. 1 and he’s depicted in most of the images released by the U.S. Marine Corps to give account of the transfer.

Camp Bastion was in close proximity to all the units they supported and this gave the VMA-211 the opportunity to conduct more combat operations and communicate more effectively with the ground combat element.

Unfortunately neither Raible nor the rest of the “Avengers” could predict the attack that cost the U.S. the worst air loss to enemy fire in one day since the Vietnam War, that has rendered the Squadron unable to support the troops in the ground and compelled the Marine Corps to fly the remaining two airframes back home.
Hurried, Harried, Harriers…and Harry.

jorobar, jorobar, jorobar.....; Tengo que volver con el inglés que con este título me he mareado........
Lockheed Martin seal of aproval.

Que el Harrier se lo queden los países con ejército de chichinabo. Los profesionales usan herramientas de profesional.

Tantos drones y tan platano, y son iluso integrales.
Las guerras no se ganan escondios en los fortines dejando a los cipayos hacer el trabajo sucio. Aunque estos tampoco son los casacas rojas, solo son los lumpen de barrio marginal, hemos llegado a las legiones reclutadas entre los bárbaros.
Lo que si que es de tercera es querer mantener a los venerables harriers "beyond 2030".

y los rusos se han debido descojonar con la noticia.
Fijo que los boicotearon ellos mismos para cobrar el seguro.